Repair, maintenance and full restoration of wood shake roofingÂ

16 year old steep wood shake roof, fully restored

16 year old steep wood shake roof, fully restored

17 year old shake roof before Full-Restoration

Full-Restoration complete, Redwood stain with flame retardant added

17 year old shake roof before Full-Restoration

Full-Restoration completed, Redwood stain with flame retardant added

Full-Restoration in process, after tear off

Full-Restoration in process

Full-Restoration completed, Rustic Brown Stain added with flame retardant

18 year old shake roof before Full-Restoration

Full-Restoration in process, after power-wash

Full-Restoration complete, Cedar stain with flame retardant added

Full-Restoration complete, Cedar stain with flame retardant added

Restoring large shake roofs results in great economic benefits

Shake restoration revisited two years later

Quality work always lasts

20 year old shake roof saved with extensive maintenance/repairs

Shake Restoration 3 Years Later – SRS Competitor

Shake Restoration 3 Years After SRS and Roof Looks Great!

SRS Competitor stain during first year

SRS rich custom blend stain w/flame retardant after completion

Another custom blended stain after completion