Repair of asphalt composition roofing

Many attempts were made by others, a lot of time was spent…

SRS came by, long term solution was finally achieved!

Vent Stack Needs Attention…

Vent Stack Gets Attention and Eyebrow Vent Added at Ridge

Repairs Needed for Rot and Damage

Completing 3 Tab Shingle Repairs

Before Hydro-Cleaning

During Hydro-Cleaning

Hydro-Cleaning Complete and Eyebrow Vent Added

Chimney Serviced and Base Sealed

Old Ridge Caps…


New Ball Game…

Asphalt Shingle Roof during Full Restoration process

Adjacent Low Slope Roof also Fully Restored

Extensive Repairs as part of Full Restoration

Full Restoration of Asphalt Shingle and Cap Sheet Roof Complete